Mittwoch, 21. Oktober 2015

Sandfly Bay

On Sunday 18. October Marcell and I drove out to Sandfly Bay on the Otago Peninsula, supposedly one of the most scenic beaches around Dunedin. 

The way down to the beach led us over lush green fields with heaps of sheep.

View onto Sandfly Bay from a slightly elevated viewpoint. The way down to the beach merged here from a former path through verdurous grasslands to a steep and sandy way through sand dunes. 

The first of many seals we would encounter that day.

Sandfly Bay - definitely one of the most staggering and breath-taking beaches on the Otago Peninsula. 

Two seals basking in the sun, shoveling a handful of sand onto their backs every now and then to protect them from the sun. 

Another grown-up seal seeking a little refreshment in the cold water of the ocean. 

The seals were extremely lazy that day and had nothing else in mind than sleeping at the beach all day long. Luckily they weren´t shy at all and we could get as close as a meter.

I´m not sure what that seal´s gesture´s supposed to mean. A tender welcome? Or maybe a ´get the fu** away from here´? Anyway, dawn was already approaching and we decided to head back to the car-park. But not without encountering another 10 seals or so en route back.

A last view back to the beautiful scenery of Sandfly Bay. What a bummer that it is so far out on the Peninsula. Otherwise I´d come here way more often!

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