Dienstag, 8. Dezember 2015

Mount Taranaki

Our first real trip here on the North Island (except from exploring the city of Wellington) was the ascending of Mount Taranaki, the lonely mountain on the western side of the island. In case you´re pondering about the name, Mt Taranaki is a perfectly shaped volcano and the only mountain within a radius of hundreds of kilometers, which makes the term perfectly suitable in my opinion.

Unfortunately the mountain had concealed itself in clouds and fog by the time of our arrival, so we actually couldn´t see anything of the mountain itself. I just took this picture above from the internet to give you an idea of this staggering place.  
Although we weren´t sure if we would escape the fog by ascending the path to the top and whether we would be able to catch a glance of the impressive summit or not, we decided to climb up the mountain anyway. So we took our small backpack, filled it with snacks and water-bottles and off we went.

The path leading up to the crater ushered us directly into the wall of fog and clouds.

Somewhere about half way up to the top we found this transmitter mast and reckoned it was a decent place to have a short break and gormandize some muesli bars and cookies to invigorate ourselves before continuing our climb of the lonely mountain.  

The path got steeper and steeper and we climbed higher and higher and eventually reached an altitude where we left the thick layer of fog and finally caught a first glimpse of the snow-covered, stunningly perfect formed crater that had finally disclosed itself. 

As we ascended further, we soon reached the first snow. Mount Taranaki is about 2500 meters high and therefore covered in snow all year round. Fortunately for us there had already been some other bold adventurers who had climbed the mountain a few days before, and had left their footprints in the snow and therefore had created a tiny patthrough the snowfields so that we didn´t sink in too much.

The summit was in reach - but dusk was already approaching and we didn´t have the necessary equipment like ice-picks etc to master the perilous climb through the ice. Although the crater seemed to be soo close, we reckoned it too risky and decided to not climb up further and instead go back down. So we had another round of snacks and took some decent pictures before we got ready for the descent. 

The way down - meaning going back into the wall of fog.

Marcell is taking a rest during the "exhausting" way down. 

It was a bummer that we didn´t make it to the summit, but after all we consider ourselves lucky that we at least finally got to see the crater at all, whichad concealed itself for so long. Mount Taranaki was definitely one of the most impressive mountains I´ve ever ascended. The lonely mountain creates a very tranquil, divine and unique atmosphere that makes it so special in the legends of the Maori, the indigenous people of New Zealand. It was an honor to climb it!

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