Mittwoch, 20. April 2016

Mount Cargill

Here´s a short blog-post with a few impressions from Mt Cargill, a fantastic lookout point 10 minutes out of Dunedin. From the top of Mt Cargill one has an absolutely stunning view onto the city of Dunedin, the Otago Harbour and the Otago Peninsula. 

Dunedin and the Otago Harbour

The boarder of the city where the peninsula splits from the mainland

Transmitter mast on top of Mt Cargill

A huge container-ship is making its way out of the Otago Harbour towards the open sea 

What a nice place to sit down after a long day at Uni and just relax and soak in the fantastic view. 

View onto the northern shore with Aramoana and Long Beach

180 degree view from the summit 

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