Freitag, 27. Mai 2016

The Otago Rail Trail

On Saturday 30th of April it was time for an adventure I´d had in mind ever since I had come to New Zealand last July: the Otago Rail Trail. A 152 km long cycling track built on the grounding of the former railway from Dunedin to Central Otago.
I apologize in advance for the poor quality of most of the pictures! I destroyed my Samsung Galaxy S4 a few days before I departed and forgot to bring my GoPro along, so I only had the camera of my very very cheap Huawei phone... Nevertheless, here are some impressions from my cycling-adventure.

Map of the Otago Rail Trail, 150 km from Middlemarch to Clyde

Elevation profile: 150km and about 600 meters of altitude make the rail trail a very easy biking trail.

The Start 

Middlemarch Station: still 150km to go until the end of the Rail Trail in Clyde

The first few kilometers of the Otago Central Rail Trail.

The Wedderburn Tavern where I spent my night. It´s located 73 km from Middlemarch and 77 from Clyde, pretty much in the midpoint of the trail. After a scrumptious dinner I went to bed very early (around 9pm I believe) to get a good amount of sleep before I would continue my journey early the next day. A continental breakfast with muesli, bread, butter, jam, fruit and orange juice was included in the accommodation price at the tavern.

After about half an hour of biking on day 2 I reached the highest point of the Rail Trail. From there on it was only downhill until the very end of the trail.

The Otago Rail Trail was a great adventure and I am glad that I finally found the time to do it. Definitely a must do for anyone living in Otago!

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