Donnerstag, 20. August 2015

Signal Hill

On Friday 20. of August Marcell and me headed out in the late afternoon to pay Signal Hill a visit. It´s one of the best lookout-points in the area around Dunedin and is located within a 10 minute drive from our flat.

To be honest, this picture has nothing to do with the actual blog-post about Signal Hill. I just didn´t find any other blog-post that would have been suitable for it, so I just added it in here.
But I have to admit that this car we saw last Friday at the Farmer´s Market in Dunedin is definitely one of the most awesome cars I´ve ever seen.

This picture shows the stunning view onto the Otago Peninsula on the right side and Port Chalmers on the left side. We took this photo on the way up to Signal Hill; unfortunately the wrong (!) way up... The windy road ended somewhere in the middle of the hill and we had to turn around and drive back to the city in order to get onto the opposite side of the hill where the actual way up is located.

But although we were on the completely wrong side of the hill, our drive up here was totally worth it. The road was one of the steepest and most thrilling roads I´ve ever driven on and the amazing view at the end of it was absolutely worth the 15 minutes we lost due to the pathetic navigating skills of my passenger Marcell.

Here you can see the miraculous view from atop of the actual Signal Hill lookout-point, which we reached 15 minutes later.

We arrived just on time to see the sun vanish behind the hills, creating a staggering play of colors in the scarcely clouded sky.

Here I am meditating across a cross-legged copper statue and contemplating about life and our (hopefully) legendary trip to Samoa during the midterm break.

Posing atop of Dunedin and enjoying the last rays of the descending sun.

Marcell once more revealed his vertiginous climbing skills and clambered on top of the monument to have an even more astonishing view onto Dunedin, its encircling hills and the beautiful pacific ocean.

We took a last view onto the Otago-Peninsula before driving back down into town to spend our last night in Dunedin before we´ll leave for Christchurch and our midterm vacation in Samoa tomorrow morning.

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