Sonntag, 9. August 2015

St. Clair Beach, Baldwin Street & Nicol Falls

On Wednesday 5. August Marcell, Nicole and I decided to enjoy this beautiful winter-day outside and get at least a little bit of the spare rays of this utmost welcome winter-sun. So we drove to St. Clair Beach and had a look at the marvelous beach and the Pacific Ocean.

Marcell and I are standing on the rocky St. Clair Beach and glancing into the distance, imagining the approximately 3000 km distant Antarctica. To be honest, after giving the water temperature a try we we´re quite certain about the vicinity of the "Terra Australis" (Southern Land).

A few metres elevated from the beach, we found a nice narrow path that led us a bit further out the beach towards the end of the bay. Here I am taking a selfie quite at the end of our little path that ended abruptly in front of a giant wall of rocks.

Nicole and me, standing a few metres heightened above the sea level, watching the waves crashing against the solid coastline.

View from the terminal point of our path: On the left side you can see the beginning of St. Clair Beach that merges softly into the adjacent St. Kilda Beach and reaches out till the end of the bay that you can see in the background. A little further on the left hand side (just outside of the picture) the city of Dunedin begins.

Marcell and I in front of the beach that, according to rumors, is one of the best surfing spots in New Zealand. And believe it or not, we were able to spot some crazy guys that tried to make the best out of this beautiful sunny day and indeed went surfing in the freezing ocean.

After taking these nice shots at the St. Clair Beach we went back to our car and drove to the adjacent St. Kilda Beach that´s just a few minutes drive away. Whereas St. Clair is a quite rocky beach that might be the perfect surfing spot but can not really be considered as an awesome beach to hang out, chill a while, drink a beer and play some volleyball; St. Kilda Beach is quite the opposite. The waves might not be as huge as at St. Clair, but therefor St. Kilda reflects a perfect golden sand beach that invites one to stay for a few hours and go for a nice swim, if we weren´t in the middle of the winter and the ocean freezing cold (~12° Celsius).

St. Kilda is a perfect beach to go for a run and I will definitely use this chance during the next few days and figure out a decent route from my flat to the beach, along the St. Clair and St. Kilda beach and back to Campus where my flat is located. Just below the hill in the background, maybe right in the centre of the hill, you can see (or rather imagine) the end point of the St. Clair path I just showed you.

Posing at the white or rather golden sand beach, absolutely enjoying every second of this amazing day.

On the very same day another one of Dunedin´s most worthwhile locations would capture our imagination: Baldwin Street, the steepest street in the world!! Located just a few minutes north of my flat, Baldwin Street is definitely one of the biggest draws for tourist in Dunedin and hundreds of spectators come here every day to take some astonishing snapshots walking up or down the 35% tilted street. 

Nicole and me walking up the worlds steepest street. Unfortunately it´s everything but easy to take a good picture of the street that really shows HOW steep it is.

Marcell and me sitting on top of Baldwin Street in front of an awesome painting that shows the street itself and its history (left side of the picture).

Two days later on Friday 7. August we went to see another one of Dunedins sights, the Nicol Falls. We drove for about 10 minutes from our flat to the car-park and started our one-hour-walk from there.

The tight path to the Nicol Falls, led us through a nice rainforest for about half an hour until we finally reached the waterfall.

The way back to our car was even more slippery than the way up to the falls and it was quite a challenge to stay on the path and avoid falling to the ground and ruining one´s pants and jacket.

Taking a selfie in front of the Nicol waterfall. And yeah, we have to admit that it´s definitely not one of the biggest or most stunning falls we have ever seen. Unfortunately!
But we are going to the Catlins next weekend, a group of hills in the very south of New Zealand where an awesome more lot of waterfalls and beaches will await us. So stay tuned!

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