Dienstag, 14. Juli 2015

Big News: We just bougt a CAR

Within the first couple of days here in New Zealand Marcell and I decided to buy a car. Especially for trips during the weekends, or larger trips during the summer-break, it´s absolutely necessary to have a car and be able to drive around the island by your own. So we started to look for a car (mainly on the Website trademe.nz, which is quite popular for selling used goods and other stuff here in NZ) and also did some test-drivings to find a suitable car. We did not really like the first ones and some of them were also quite expensive, so we kept looking for a few more days. And finally we found it, our little new baby, a Mazda 323 Astina, 1994 model.

After buying the car we went for a little drive through the city and up the hills that surround the beautiful centre of the City. And of course we had to fuel our car for the first time, as we bought the car with nearly no fuel in it. We then drove to the post office and changed the registration of the car to our names (Yes, it´s absolutely normal here do to things like this at the post office). And you can believe me, it was quite a challenge to not only drive on the left side of the road but also shift the gears with your left hand. You do literally everything just the other way round than in Europe.

Although our car is nearly 20 years old, it seems quite new and fashionable compared to some of the other cars you can see here in Dunedin ;)

3 Kommentare:

  1. Cool car. Looks awesome for its age!
    Interesting way of parking in dunedin(last pic -frontwheel ;-) )

    Btw....wondered if there's a name for your new little red princess ;-)

  2. Haha thanks Chris!
    Well, I guess the car isn´t really used any more due to its flat tires. But it´s definitely nice to have an even older car in the neighborhood than ours.
    Not yet, not yet. I´ll tell you if we find a suitable name for it!

  3. You’re right; it does seem fashionable compared to all the other cars you see on that island. That can be a good thing, because you’ll certainly have little trouble spotting that car in a crowded parking lot. As long as it runs good, it will make your life on the island much easier when you need to get up and out.
