Mittwoch, 15. Juli 2015

Visiting the Botanic Garden

Living right next to the Botanic Garden, Marcell, Madeline and I decided to take a short walk through the garden. The garden itself is divided into different parts, each showing plants and trees from a different region all over the world.

 A small fountain in the middle of the Botanic Garden where you can relax sitting on one of the various benches surrounding the fountain.

Two sweet little birds in one of the many aviaries.

Me and Marcell, a good friend of mine who went to the same high-school as I did; he will be staying in Dunedin for one semester before going back to Ithaca College in the US.

 Me and Madeline, my flatmate from the US, in front of one of the tall trees in the "South Africa"-part in the garden.

 Probably the highest tree in Dunedin, standing on top of a little hill within the garden.

 On top of the highest hill in the middle of the Botanic Garden from where you have an amazing view over Dunedin and its surrounding hills.

Walking back to our flat that is just 3 minutes walk away from the Botanic Garden. Now that we have our own car we will definitely do a little trip on the weekend. So stay tuned for more news from the southern hemisphere.

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