Mittwoch, 22. Juli 2015

The Chinese Garden

Today we visited the Chinese Garden which is located quite in the centre of the city, right next to the famous Octagon.
The garden itself was smaller than we had expected, but nevertheless it was a great afternoon especially due to the amazing weather! So we used our free afternoon to relax in the beautiful garden and to took some nice snapshots.

 Marcell posing in front of a little waterfall.

 Me on top of the rock where the waterfall arises from.

 One of the many Chinese buildings. In these little houses you can either try some traditional Chinese clothes on, play Chinese Chess, or purchase lots of different sorts of tee.

 View onto the beautiful pond in the centre of the garden and the little stone-hill with its waterfall that´s hidden on the back side of the hill in this picture.

 Some more typical Chinese buildings around the pond.

 "Chinese version of Marcell"

 Playing Chinese Chess, in German-speaking countries also known as "Halma", can obviously be a lot of fun!

The day (or should i better say afternoon) in the Chinese Garden was definitely a lot of fun and we were really able to enjoy the beautiful and warm weather (at least for a winter in Dunedin 13° Celsius are definitely awesome). For the next weekend we are planning a trip to Wanaka in the South Alps of New Zealands South Island to go hiking, skiing and go-kart driving. So stay tuned!

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